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Voice Actors



Well what am I not.  I am the writer of the series (well cowriter) as well as a voice actor.


I am in school for Automotive Tech and wish to be a master German tech (VW, Audi, BMW, etc.) as well as specialize in transmissions.  This all spawned my now other hobby of rally racing and also go by the name "Lady Rally"


I'm an anime fan, a cosplayer, an artist (I own Chibi Tsubame Creations), I play bass, I'm a lover, a fighter, and a well travled individual.  


Voices: Kari

Bart MacDonald


Lives in Sullivan County, New York and has a college level education.  He is an inspiring artist with a dream of one day becoming part of the animation world with both his voice and work.


Voices: Dominic Palazzo, Jose



Isaac Kiernan is an aspiring actor, singer, and writer from Upstate New York. Always bizar​re to the extreme, he is an avid collector of obscure Films, Anime, Games, and Action figures. He is a longtime fan of rock group "The Who", and drives a 1978 Cadillac Sedan DeVille.


Voices: Dante, Enzo, Giovanni, Marc, Matt, Marco, Servero, Doctor 1, EMT 1, Shadow Sniper 1, Catellanos Head 1 & 2, Castellanos Grunt 1

I am an avid reader, i play video games more than i should and the game that I am currently obsessed with is fire emblem awakening. I tend to write stories in some spare time and I one day wish to have one of them published.


Voices: Irene, Amber




Current interests consists of: drawing, creating anything, and photography (depending on what's up around me,this changes ever so often almost as much as my hair.)In terms of what I want to do, I want to and will become an Animator.What I'm doing right now: holdin down two jobs, one being babies r us, the other, designing headstones and monuments; i'm in love with the irony between my two jobs. Literally dealing with life and death.What's up happy my people, I'm "T" O(≧▽≦)O


Voices: Marina, Sabrina

Deans List


Deanlists- enough said...This kid was born and raised in the city of New York. Loves music, martial arts, games, music, anime, manga and music. He enjoys accepting challenges and puzzles that may not be challenges or puzzles sometimes... Although he took on the roll of Leo, right hand man of the character Katz, he may need mental help (No idea on why he is here...).


Voices: Leo






Voices: Katz





There are many tales told about Gier. Some say he's older than time itself. Some say it was he who split the world into it's currently state. Some say he knows a song which is capable of ending all war, but he doesn't like the sound. Others say he's a 28 year old amateur writer and voice actor with an overactive imagination. Who's to say for sure?


Voices: Aldo
Void Spanker


Voices: Saul


Christopher is just a city boy who took the midnight train going anywhere, but now he's in Connecticut. After years of mastering the hidden art of playing video games, he realized his passion of voice acting and now pursues it as much as he can. He also likes to draw, the results of which are so bad they're forbidden by geneva convention, and also likes to write, which he can thankfully do somewhat well.


Voices: Nick
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